Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Knowledge is not on the desks

Schools resume this week for 2011 and 2010 matric results are still making headlines. we've all seen them, "The good, the bad and the ugly"

The good- Students who worked hard throughout the course of the year and achieve excellent results though they faced the same conditions, had the same extended holidays and had to deal with the same public sector strikes that other lazy students who chose to shift the blame of their poor performance on others except themselves.

The bad- Only half the students who started school 12 years ago wrote matric last year, 18 schools with a 0% pass rate. What happens in these schools? Don't waste funds unnecessarily if you go to school grounds to do absolutely nothing. 0% pass rate relays the message that not a single person in these schools cared to take some initiative, how long do students plan on pointing fingers to explain their own future.

The ugly- We are so blind to our potential that we accept the minimal requirement for a pass and throw parties to celebrate passing as if it shouldn't be  something we expect of ourselves. Should we really be excited when we pass Mathematics or Science having met the minimum requirement especially seeing as the minimum requirement to pass these subjects is 30%. Is something so wrong with us that they keep dropping the standard? If so then the solution should start with us.

It's about time we take responsibility for our future and realise its not about the resources or the fees we pay for school fees that give results, for the most part it's how much we want to have a bright future and when we wake up slowly but surely others around us will wake up. Dream bigger, worker harder to achieve more.

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