Friday, November 26, 2010

Reading is vital for our country to prosper

Since democratisation in the 1990's READ has been working alongside government to make reading a national priority. It is however, up to us as students to adopt a culture of reading. Making reading a habit and part of our recreational activities.Reading should be a pleasurable experience.

Speaking at a Chevron-sponsored library and learning centre the minister said she cannot overemphasize the importance of books and reading. Illiteracy is a national threat. There is no better time to start promoting reading and the value of books than now. Working towards a prosperous developmental  state will remain a dream if we do not commit to the creation of a better life for all people. Doing this requires young people who can read and write.

In the triangle of education, We all have a part to play, not just parents or our teachers but once they've done their bit, we need to find our motivation to read more and excel at what we are responsible for, ensuring that we pass each grade.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Subject choice in grade 9

Subject choice in Grade 9 is always a stressful time! Most learners (and their parents), find it difficult to choose subjects for grade 10.

There are so many questions. Which subjects will keep my options open for further study after school? Should I take Maths? What about the other subjects? With the introduction of the new curriculum, learners and parents need information about the new subject requirements and the entry requirements for tertiary study.  

When choosing subjects, it is important that one does the necessary research to reduce the risk of regret. 
"The more a person knows, the better informed they are, the more likely a person makes the best possible decision"

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) has replaced the Matric Certificate. Subject choice in Grade 9 is based on the following:

  • Seven subjects- The National Curriculum Statement requires all learners in grade 10 to 12 to do seven subjects of which four are compulsory and three are of their own choice.
  • Four compulsory subjects- two of these must be be South African languages. Of these, one must be the language of teaching and learning, referred to as the Home Language (HL), and the other, a first additional Language (Add Lang)
  • Mathematics or Math Literacy - In addition to two languages, all learners must take either Mathematics or Mathematical literacy and Life Orientation.
  • Three further subjects- Learners can take up to four languages as part of their seven-subject package. Some of the approved subjects have been classified as designated subjects, which are suitable for tertiary study.      
Requirements for NSC are as follows:
4 compulsory subjects - obtain at least 40%
2 Languages - obtain at least 30%
Mathematics or Mathematical Lit - Obtain 30%
Life Orientation - Obtain 40%

3 Additional choice subjects - Obtain at least 40% in one of the subjects
                                              Obtain at least 30% in the other two subjects.

For more information just ask Blogger and I will try my best to source informed responses to your questions.